2018-19 NCAA guide now available

College-bound student-athlete guide has tons of useful information for athletes and parents

Sept. 26, 2018

By Jason Lauren

Each year the NCAA releases an updated guide for the college-bound student-athlete. The 2018-19 version recently was made available.

This guide is full of great information that any athlete that has aspirations to play in college should review and keep handy as a reference. It contains when and how colleges can contact athletes, definition of recruiting terms, academic and eligibility standards, the athletic time commitment differences at each division, eligibility center information and more.

Noteworthy changes are how and when D1 colleges can contact athletes outside of football and basketball, especially for softball. You can read more about those changes here: What impact will new D1 NCAA rules have?

To download and print a free copy of the 2018-19 NCAA college-bound student-athlete guide, click on button below. 

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